
I've dedicated my life to supporting individuals with developmental diversities, because I believe everyone has intrinsic value, everyone sees the world a little differently and has something important to contribute. I believe all people can achieve their life goals and follow their dreams with the right supports in place. We do well when we can. My passion is in showing others they too can be competent and confident to succeed.


Over the years I’ve watched the behavior consultation process work. I’ve seen folks thrive in school, land good jobs, strengthen family bonds, and improve life skills. I’ve worked side-by-side with determined individuals, who proved everybody wrong by becoming independent, healthy and safe. I bring practical skills and insight into every home I visit.


I’m committed to telling a person’s story through the assessment process with fairness, compassion and understanding. I’ve spent my career promoting civil rights, actively listening and withholding assumptions,  implementing person-centered thinking and practices, and using person-first and identity-first language. My commitment is to help, not harm. Let me help you today.